ZZ Plant, Zanzibar Gem, Perfect Addition to your Plant Family.
About me, My name is ZZ Zanzibar Gem, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, known as ZZ Plant, Although originally from central Africa, where I was able to tolerate extreme weather for decades, I have entered hearts, homes and offices worldwide, I have the ability to purify and remove certain toxins from the air we breathe, can grow gracefully displaying a deep green waxy shiny coating that at times can be mistaken for an artificial plant. I do best in bright to moderate indirect light, but will do fine in extremely low levels of light. I can retain water in my root system, enabling me to tolerate long dry spells, I’m a great choice for those who may forget to water me frequently, however I will appreciate a drink of water every other week or as top portion of soil feels dry. Allow me to add a touch of grace and elegance to your houseplant collection, I’m very simple to care for.