Enjoy Sweet Tropical Fruit Twice a Year, Grow Your Own White Guava Fruit Tree
White Guava, Psidium Guajava, is widely planted outdoors not only as a fruit tree, also as a center piece in your landscape, creating a tropical look and feel. Guava trees can produce fruits within the first 24 months of being planted. Mature trees can reach up to 20ft high, or they can be trimmed into a bush or to desired height.
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The guava tree, also known as Psidium Guajava, is a small tropical tree or shrub that is native to Central America and Mexico. It is now widely cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Guava trees can grow to a height of 20-25 feet, and they have smooth, light gray bark, and glossy, dark green leaves. The tree produces white five-petaled flowers that bloom year-round.
The fruit of the white guava tree is round to oval in shape, and it can be as small as an apple or as large as a grapefruit. The skin of the fruit is light green and the flesh is white. The fruit has a sweet, aromatic flavor and a soft, grainy texture. Guava fruit is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and dietary fiber.
Guava trees are relatively hardy and can be grown in a variety of soils, but they prefer well-draining, acidic soils. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but prefer warm, humid conditions. They can grow well in full sun or partial shade. Guava trees can be propagated by seed or by rooting cuttings.
The tree is widely cultivated for its fruit, which is used in a variety of ways, such as eating fresh, making jams, jellies, and preserves, and in drinks and desserts. In addition to that, the leaves of the tree are also used for medicinal purposes. Guava leaves contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and they have been used traditionally to treat diarrhea, stomach problems, and other ailments.