Easy-Growing, Unique Foliage and Fragrant white Blooms, Wax Privet Ligustrum Shrub
Do you want to bring a vibrant, majestic touch of color and life to your landscape? The Ligustrum Recurve also know as Ligustrum japonicum ‘Recurvifolium’ Japanese Privet ‘Recurvea’, Wax Leaf Ligustrum, Wavy Leaf Ligustrum, might be the right choice with its unique wavy leaves with curved tips for a dramatic appeal.
Ligustrum is an ideal choice for anyone looking to create a striking focal point or division in their garden. Not only are these evergreen shrubs technically classified as trees due to their strong woody stems, but they will also offer interest and beauty throughout the year. With glossy foliage, panicles of fragrant white blossoms during summer months and adaptive pruning capabilities that provide flexibility in incorporating them into any design scheme – we think these gorgeous plants deserve your attention!
Ligustrum are a popular and reliable group of plants that are known for their fast growth, evergreen foliage, and requires little maintenance. These shrubs create a stunning accent or hedge that is not only beautiful to look at but also requires little effort to maintain.
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Ligustrum plants are extremely easy to grow. They are pest and disease resistant and deer and drought tolerant. Full sun will provide the richest color, but these plants will grow well in some shade too.
Makes a great low growing hedge in the landscape, Ideally used as borders in driveways, entryways, sidewalks, foundations and mass planting, its unique golden foliage flourishes in full sun, creates eye-catching contrast, this is an attractive addition well into the winter months.
Ligustrum Plant is preferred by professional landscapers due its durability, easy care and low maintenance requirements.