Philodendron Green Congo, Bring the Rainforest Indoors and Purify the Air
Philodendron Green Congo is a fast-growing plant with a striking glossy heart shape foliage. The Congo Green is a self-header that spreads outward as it grows upward. The glossy, dark green, thick leaves are spaced very close to each other on a single stem. The stiff, barely visible stem, keeps a Philodendron Congo upright and elegant looking as it matures. It is a magnificent addition to outside gardens or even indoor areas to give it a more tropical sensation. They are low maintenance giving them the ability to grow in shaded areas or even bright natural light indoors. A lush, decorative foliage plant with large, leathery leaves. Philodendron Green Congo has a compact, bushy habit. Philodendron Green Congo likes medium to bright indirect sunlight for best performance, Green Congo elegance and beauty is what really sets this species apart and what makes it so desirable. Philodendron Green Congo are low maintenance giving them the ability to easily adapt to most environments, indoors or outdoors in shaded areas.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – Buy with confidence, all of our plants are Backed by our 30 days Satisfaction Guarantee.
• Filter indoor air by absorbing toxins, and removing harmful chemicals.
• Indoor gardening relieves stress and Fatigue by simply enjoying and caring for your plants.
• Having plants in your home or office can be a source of pleasure.
• Plants are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist
• With its exotic-looking foliage, Philodendron Plants will bring a tropical feel to virtually any well-lit area
• Hand picked and shipped direct from our Nursery
Plant features are becoming very popular in modern interior design for homes, both indoors and outdoors, also true for spaces like hotels lobbies, main entrances, corporate lobbies and offices, the inclusion of plants make space feel more attractive, exciting and comfortable, creating a well balance peaceful ambiance of styles that can both calm the senses and invigorate the mind simultaneously, adorning with live plants and natural elements is a great choice to create a relaxing atmosphere while at home, reducing the day to day stresses from modern life, weather is traffic congestions or stressful daily routines, living sculptures can be the answer to some of this challenges, design your space with tropical plants in mind.
Care & Maintenance
Care Guide
• Plants shipped online are in complete darkness for several days, once received place in a low light area for 2-3 days before transitioning to bright light.
• Repotting / Fertilizing, once received Wait 4 weeks before repotting or fertilizing, Fertilize during Spring to Fall base on label instructions.
• Water, allow the top 1-2 inch of Soil to dry out, may take 7-12 days, water slowly to allow the soil moist evenly.
• Humidity, most Tropical plants can benefit from regular moisture, a humidifier or regular misting is recommended.
• Light, if is bright enough to read is bright enough for plants, if outdoors place in indirect sun light under Shade.
PLACEMENT AND TEMPERATURE – Selecting the right location for your plant indoors or outdoors is very important, micro climates can affect the health of the plant, make sure the plant does not receive air draft from near by AC/Heating vents, or warm air if close to a freezer, the foliage will dehydrate faster than it can hydrate from moisture in the air or in the soil, eventually turning brown and dropping, when plants are properly watered and care for and still display signs of wilting or seem sad it may help to relocate the plant to a different area for brighter indirect light. Please note most tropical plants are from the tropics, proper moisture is required for their health and survival, we highly recommend to bring your tropical plants indoors when temperatures are expected below 45s during winter months or above 90 during summer months, extreme weather can severely damage the plant.
FERTILIZING – No need to fertilize right away, We fertilize our plants during the production phase with slow release fertilizer which can last an additional 2-3 months supplying residual nutrients to the plant. Once you do decide to fertilize You may use a fertilizer formulated for interior plants, preferably a slow release fertilizer 180 days duration, fertilize during spring or fall base on label instructions.
CLEANING, REGULAR MAINTENANCE – Philodendron Plant leaves are normally large in size and easy to clean, use caution when cleaning them to avoid damage. Simply add a few drops of dish soap to a cup of water, wet a soft cloth and manually wipe off dust off the leaves, is a simple solution that is inexpensive and works well without damaging the plant.
How to Prune Philodendron Green Congo
Philodendron Plants requires regular maintenance, pruning lower bottom leaves may be needed at some point to maintain the plant clean and healthy, Lower leaves will gradually yellow and decay, collapsing over time, this is a normal process as new shoots pop and form into new leaves.
INSECTS OR DESEASES – The good news is that healthy, well-cared-for Philodendron plants are generally resistant to infestations. Philodendron Plants are not regularly affected by pests. in the event that scale, mealy bugs, or mites are found to affect the plant, they can be controlled by wiping the infested area with a soapy solution, add a few drops of dish soap in a cup of water and wipe off the affected areas with a soft cloth, It can take several intermittent cleanings to rid the plant of the pests.
Horticultural oils can be sprayed directly onto the insects, A second and third treatment, if using oils, will be necessary. Space out the sprays at 3 week intervals to break up the mealybug life cycle. Both of these treatments together will be very effective.