Freshen up your living space with the Queen of the indoor Plants
Variegated False Bird of Paradise
Looking for a breathtaking house plant? Look no further than the false bird of paradise, The queen of the indoor plant world, heliconia variegated! With its gorgeous golden torch-like foliage, this plant is sure to add a touch of drama to any room.
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Plant benefits and key features
• We believe in the power of plants to lift the spirit, calm the mind and clean the air. • Plants can reduce stress and anxiety by spending time close to nature caring for them.
• Filter indoor air by absorbing toxins, and removing harmful chemicals.
• Boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity.
Looking for a breathtaking house plant? Look no further than the false bird of paradise, heliconia variegated! also known as Heliconia Golden Giant Lobster Claw, Golden Torch, with its gorgeous golden torch-like blooms, this plant is sure to add a touch of drama to any room. The HELICONIA Golden Giant Lobster Claw is a species of banana-like plants native to tropical America. These lush beauties can grow up to 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide, making them a real statement piece for your home. But it’s not just their size that makes them special – the HELICONIA Golden Giant Lobster Claw is also known for its vibrant flowers that come in shades of yellow, orange, and red. These spectacular blooms are sure to turn heads and add a touch of luxury to any space. So if you’re looking for a Plant that will really make an impact, the HELICONIA Golden Giant Lobster Claw is the perfect choice!
The False Variegated bird of paradise plant is considered by many to be the most gorgeous variegated plant there is, it has created a cult like following by plant collectors and enthusiast. This is a great addition to any setting provided with bright indirect light. The leaves look beautiful as though they were hand painted with with emerald green, mint, and yellow.