Cordyline Purple Compacts also known Ti Plant or good luck plant
Cordyline Purple Compacta, also known as Hawaiian Ti Plant or Cordyline fruticosa ‘Florica’, is a tropical plant that thrives in full sun to partial shade. It is known for its colorful leaves and is considered a low-maintenance and slow-growing plant. The Cordyline Florica belongs to the Dracaena family of plants and is native to warmer climates of Pacific islands.
Cordyline Purple Compacta has leathery, spear-shaped leaves that deep burgundy with deep pink blends at the top of the leaves. Compacta can add a vibrant touch to indoor or outdoor spaces. It prefers a partial sun environment but can tolerate full sun as well. Regular watering and well-draining soil are essential for its growth. It is also recommended to provide bright indirect light if grown indoors. Cordyline Purple Compacta can be used as a corner accent plant for narrow areas or as a tall statement plant in landscaping.
Product Details
Free Shipping on Select orders, 100% satisfaction Guarantee. Most orders ship within 1-3 days from the day order is received, once your order is shipped, you’ll receive an email with tracking information. Approximate Height is measured from top of the pot.
Plant Benefits
• Filter indoor air by absorbing toxins, and removing harmful chemicals
• Boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity
• Reduce stress, Fatigue and Allergies
• Add life to a given space, give privacy and reduce noise levels
• Plants are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist