Bromeliad Vriesea Gigantea Nova, Features Spineless Foliage with Spectacular hue of Green with shades of light Silver.
The Vriesea gigantea ‘Nova’, also known as the giant Vriesea, is a stunning bromeliad species prized for its impressive size and vibrant spineless foliage. This remarkable cultivar features broad, arching leaves that form a central rosette, which can grow up to 2-3 feet high and wide. The leaves are typically glossy green with a silver and yellow tint and may develop a blush of pink or red near the base when exposed to bright light.
Its showy, long-lasting flower spike emerges from the center of the rosette, featuring bright yellow, orange, or red bracts that gradually open to reveal small, tubular flowers. The flowering period can last several months, adding a striking focal point to any indoor or outdoor space.
Vriesea gigantea ‘Nova’ is relatively low-maintenance, thrives in shaded areas and is sensitive to frost, requires occasional watering into the central cup of the rosette. It’s important to use non-chlorinated water to avoid damaging the plant. Additionally, providing moderate humidity and maintaining a warm, stable environment will contribute to its overall health and appearance.
This striking bromeliad is an excellent choice for adding a touch of tropical elegance to interior spaces, and its impressive size and distinctive bloom make it a standout feature in any collection of ornamental plants.
• We believe in the power of plants to lift the spirit, calm the mind and clean the air.
• Bromeliads are considered tough as nails, requiring very little care.
• Boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity.
• Reduce stress and Fatigue by simply enjoying and caring for your plants.
• Add life to a given space, Plants are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist.
Bromeliad plants, considered by many as one of the most exotic and beautiful plants which naturally create color blends and variegation of colors like no other plant. The Bromeliad family of plants is very diverse, many known varieties of bromeliads grow wild throughout the rainforests of Central and South America, in trees as epiphytes, meaning they can grow without soil, Bromeliads can absorb most of their nutrition through their leaves, Many bromeliads are able to store water in the center section of the plant, known as the tank, this center structure is formed by their tightly overlapping leaves which act as a funnel allowing the water to drip into this section of the plant and also provide the needed nutrients. Bromeliads require very little water, about once per week, water in the center tank to allow the water to drain into the soil.