Bromeliad Neoregelia Martin, Exotic and easy to care, colorful all year round
Bromeliad plants, considered by many as one of the most exotic and beautiful plants which naturally create color blends and variegation of colors like no other plant. The Bromeliad family of plants is very diverse, many known varieties of bromeliads grow wild throughout the rainforests of Central and South America, in trees as epiphytes, meaning they can grow without soil, Bromeliads can absorb most of their nutrition through their leaves, Many bromeliads are able to store water in the center section of the plant, known as the tank, this center structure is formed by their tightly overlapping leaves which act as a funnel allowing the water to drip into this section of the plant and also provide the needed nutrients. Bromeliads require very little water, about once per week, water in the center tank to allow the water to drain into the soil.