Alocasia Yellow Stem also known as Elephants Ear plant, Alocasia upright elephant ear, one the most impressive Elephant ears variety, the Upright Elephants ear won’t go unnoticed indoors or in your garden, they feature eye-catching tropical foliage with textural leaves that have deep green colors on the top side supported by a Yellow stem, These unique colors crate a unique contrast, unlike regular Elephant ears, the huge thick leathery upright leaves develop yellow veins within the inside of the leaf, in the garden they can grow up to 10 feet in tropical climates. Easy to grow and care for, truly a magnificent plant.
Plant Care
• Plants shipped online are in complete darkness for several days, once received place in a low light area for 2-3 days before transitioning to bright light.
• Repotting / Fertilizing, once received Wait 4 weeks before repotting or fertilizing, Fertilize during Spring to Fall base on label instructions.
• Water, allow the top 1-2 inch of Soil to dry out, may take 7-12 days, water slowly to allow the soil moist evenly.
• Humidity, most Tropical plants can benefit from regular moisture, a humidifier or regular misting is recommended.
• Light, if is bright enough to read is bright enough for plants, if outdoors place in indirect sun light under Shade.
Plant Benefits
• Filter indoor air by absorbing toxins, and removing harmful chemicals.
• Boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity.
• Reduce stress, Fatigue and Allergies.
• Add life to a given space, Plants are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist.